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Government job secret way from Apprenticeship! 90% of people do not know!


In today’s time Government job Millions of youth are preparing for competitive exams to get. But do you know that there is also a way that you do without much competition Can you get a government job?

Its name is – Apprenticeship.

It is a matter of regret that More than 90% of youth do not know about this opportunity And only pay attention to competitive exams. But if you read this article carefully, you will understand that How easy it can be to get a government job with apprenticeship.

What is apprenticeship? (What is Apprenticeship?)

Apprenticeship is a government training program, where the candidate is given the opportunity to learn work in a government department, PSU (Public Sector Unit), or any other government organization.

This scheme is specially made for youth 10th, 12th, ITI, diploma and graduate passes.

The main advantages of the apprenticeship:

  • On-job training – Practical training is given in government institutions.
  • Skeeping (salary) – You also get money every month during Apprenticeship.
  • Direct recruitment opportunity – In many government departments, those who are apprenticeship are given permanent jobs.
  • Low competition – It has less competition than competitive examinations.
  • Experience Certificate – Which further helps in government and private jobs.

Full process to get a government job from Apprenticeship

If you want your apprenticeship Changed in permanent government jobSo you have to follow these 6 steps:

1. Choose the correct Apprenticeship Scheme

Government of India and many public sector companies (PSUs) periodically extract the recruitment of apprenticeship.
Some major government apprenticeship programs:

  • Railway Apprenticeship – RRC & RRB
  • DRDO Apprentice Recruitment
  • BHEL Apprentice Jobs
  • NPCIL Apprentice Vacancy
  • ONGC Apprentice Jobs
  • ISRO Apprentice Jobs
  • Sail Apprentice Recruitment
  • IOCL, BPCL, HPCL Apprentice Recruitment

2. Apply for Apprenticeship

You Official apprenticeship vacancies For the following government portal, you can apply for:

MP Online Apprenticeshipwww.mponline.gov.in

National Apprenticeship Portal (NAPS)www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS)www.mhrdnats.gov.in

Railway Apprenticeship Portalwww.rrbapply.gov.in

DRDO Apprenticeshipwww.drdo.gov.in

Necessary documents:

  • 10th/12th/ITI/Diploma Marksheet
  • Aadhar card
  • Bank account statement
  • Passport Size Photo
  • Signature

3. Perform better in Apprenticeship Training

  • Report on time and be active in training.
  • Learn from senior officers and take work seriously.
  • Better performing Apprentice Priority in permanent job Is given.

4. Understand government recruitment rules

  • To those who do adolescence in many government departments Priority in Direct Recruitment Is given.
  • In some jobs Bonus Marks Are given.
  • In Railway and Defense Department Direct interview chance Get

5. Exemption and benefit in government recruitment exams after Apprenticeship

Those who complete the apprenticeship get many benefits in government jobs, such as:

  • Bonus marks
  • Direct Interview Call for direct interview
  • Reservation Benefits in Recruitment on reserved seats

Those who do Apprentice in Railways get a chance to directly recruit in Group D and other recruitments.

Which government jobs get the benefit of Apprenticeship?

Job from Apprentice in Railways – Those who do apprenticeship in railway recruitment 5% -10% additional marks see you.
PSU recruitment in companies – Companies like ONGC, BHEL, SAIL, and IOCL provide jobs permanently to their apprentice.
Chance in Defense and DRDO – Apprentice in DRDO and Defense Department gets a chance to direct recruitment.
Recruitment in banking sector – In some public sector banks, Apprentices are given priority in jobs.

Tips to succeed in government job after apprenticeship

Check government job portals and notifications regularly.

Increase your skills, as more efficient candidates are given priority.

Maintain good relations with senior officers during the Apprenticeship.

If you do not get a permanent job after the apprenticeship, then take advantage of it in other government jobs.


It is not right for a government job to depend on competitive examinations only. If you adopt this secret path of Apprenticeship, you can also get a government job in low competition.

Now don’t delay, apply for Apprenticeship today and start your government career! 

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